Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Why Good Girls Love BAd BOys?
Message: There are some reasons why 'good girls' love 'bad guys': (thoughts in brackets - by bluey)

1. bad guys looks more attractive with their arrogance...that makes them looks sexy... (sexy my foot, with all those punkish hair, yellow dyed, and the smell of smoke on their clothing...a guy? I think a dog is better...)

2. bad guys never afraid to take risk for girls they loves...(I am wondering what sort of risk they are willing to take, i.e. killing a cockcroach, a mosquito, will they do more? Join a gang and beat up some nice guy?)

3. bad guys admit that they are, but never want us to be bad girl...(true, true, but will the girl agree to this? How many girls do you know that didn't turn bad like the bad guy?)

4.bad guys have all the bad and good to say to make girls happy...(girls like bad things said to them to make them happy? Like what? That your so-called guy admit to you honestly that he is having affair with another girl, maybe your good friend? or maybe one day he told you that he have AIDS and you may be infected...)

5. bad guys have playful personalities, and they have twinkle in their eyes, we never know what they are thinking...(is that good? they may be thinking of dumping you and just waiting for the right moment...the twinkling in the eyes are just a sign of a time bomb waiting to be dropped on you stupid girls. So have you counted how much time you have left with him?)

6. thay add spice to our good-girl lives, they makes us feel wild and sexy...(and die earlier too, maybe earlier than the macho guys, 'cos girls tend not to be so macho...unable to handle the wild life for too long...)

7. there is no dull moment with them, we never know what they gonna do next..(exactly...a time bomb waiting to go off, or a smack on the head for good measure...)

8. bad guys are agressive, unlike good guys tends to be too polite...(you like to be smack in the head every now and then don't you? Maybe get some real makeups on your face regularly? You like that don't you...love to have sadistic treatments?)

9. they live on they own terms, ...(Ya...today I marry you, tomorrow I divorce you...better still, you divorce me and pay me.)

10. they will treat us very sweet if they think its sweet!! (how do you define sweet? sugar? wanna get diabetes? you think we're all living in a fairy tale, everyday, everything sweet? Grow up lah!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

U are wrong. Nice girl never love Bad guy.