Saturday, August 20, 2005

Friday nite n saturday Morning

Everyday is a working day. 24/7 i work. Feel xtreamly tired actually, but cant sleep. Mayb due to that my "brain" is still thinking of alot of happenings that had happend and things that about to happend. Have a dizzy day in the office, completely cant stand up from my seat. So dizzy that i cant evern pick myself up. Lay on my chair for awhile before leaving the office worrying i wont be able to drive home. When i reach home, it was about 7.30pm already. The diziness is gone, but here come the hunger~! I'm very hungry ar~!

It's been a few weeks back then when i start feeling weird of my body. Things improve and improving. Hopefully, it will be ok soon. Basically, my busy life does help me alot in thinking life in a very positive way. I saw so many ppl around. Carrying a smile on their face with their loved ones. Life shud be that way... U draw a smile on other ppl's life and u will bring urself some as well. Seeing them living their live, i believe i must too.

Earning money for me is not really a main point here. For me i would like to try out something that i had yet to try before. Working as a promoter... mixing with working partner. That's was a whole new experience which will add some spice to those dull life. Well, it's good u know.... to learn new things, meet new ppl, new frens.. When u sees something good, normally u have a new drive in live. Somehow, u got the power to RUN. The power is not on ur leg, body or anything but ur heart~!

Well, i guess time to bed dy.... tmr working 12-9pm. car broke down.. so.. back to my old lovely my dear virago again..vroom vroom~~~~


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