Monday, August 29, 2005

Seasonal LOVE - What you Think?

Love is a journey....Love is seasonal. You believe it or not? Or would you agree after reading these? I have spend some nites... thinking of this. Well, love does have season. At least from my point of view. Just for example, In srping..everything seems to be so relax and so easy. but in summer it;s hard work. In autumn you may feel very generous and fulfilled, but again on winter u feel lonely and emptiness starting to fill you up without any reason. What u have been trying to work on spring to carry on over summer is easily forgotten. The love u fall is so easily lost in winter.In the summer of love, when things get difficult and you are not getting the love you need, quite suddenly you may forget everything you have. When everything seem to be turning against you... you just feel like giving up and stop trying ang giving... in the same time stop recieving. In an instance, it's all gone. You may start asking yourself the WORD ---WHY. Why is this happening and why everything seems to be so wrong so bad when the last few seconds everything was to beautiful and loving? This is a time in relationships when we experience our own unresolved pain or our shadow self. What u can see is... DARKNESS. Besides the region of the shadow was so bright... that is when u start thinking... other ppl's relationship was wonders... but why...mine... it's really.. sad.

Sometimes love flows easily and automatically,at other times it requires effort. But how many of us actually though of that? We are just too selfish to make the frist move, doesn't we? Sometimes our hearts are full and at other times we are empty. When ths emptiness strike.. we often start pointing fingers, spell words that HURTS you and your partner. Only to realise that what ever spoken was never meant to improve the situation. When thins sets in, you may blame yourself and forget how to love and nurture yourself. You may doubt yourself and your partner. You may become cynical and feel like giving up. This is all a part of the cycle. It is always darkest before the dawn We must not expect our partner to be always loving... always giving.. always be the "leader" the "guide" in the journey. Along the way, they might get tired and need your guide as well. SO? Do guide them. To be together it actually requires alot of learning. And learning is always difficult. It never meant to be easy. The process of learning requires not only hearing and applying but also forgetting and then remembering again. It's about giving and recieving in the same time. But how often do we actally realise this matter? And how many of us actually take thsis route? Remember : Love is not all about giving, but recieving as well.

Life is filled with so much uncertainty. We cant ask for certainty, cos there is aint one here.... nor there. You just have to live it or leave it. We are innocent children learning how to have successful relationships. Integrating this new wisdom of having loving relationships is a new challenge. You are a pioneer. You are traveling in new territory. Expect to be lost sometimes. Expect your partner to be lost as well.

I guess i will to stop here....
Good nite....
"Love is not blind. Love sees everything, but becoz it sees everything, it's willing to see less."


美翔 said...

well.. everythin depends on you and your partner.. see how well u 2 develop this relationship. of coz they might be season hav strong feeling vs no feeling.. but everythin can be easily get over if both of u hav the passion and really commit to it. love doesn make ppl blind but ppl lead love blind.. thats my opinion

Anonymous said...

In malaysia got summer? winter meh? Let bygones be bygones! where;s your happy spirit? The Yellow-Tale expert. Cheer up!